Accountant in Bankruptcy Terms with "N"

Glossary of Accountant in Bankruptcy - Glossario Contabile Fallimento

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W

Net Cash Requirement (NCR): the amount of cash required to carry out the functions specified in the Budget Act / Budget Documents. It represents the sum of net resources and net capital, from which non-cash items, capital charges, depreciation etc. are removed and in which working capital, increases/decreases in stocks, debtors and creditors and provisions are taken into account.

Net Resources Requirement (NRR): the total amount of resources required to carry out the functions specified in the Budget Act / Budget Documents. Resources comprise cash and non-cash elements.

Non Essential Assets: coporeal moveable property of the debtor's which is kept in a dwellinghouse, as defined in Schedule 2 of the Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Act 2002.

Note (to Court): an incidental application or report to the court in an existing process, for example, a sequestration process.

Notional Expenditure: expenditure which does not involve an actual cash transaction but which must be reflected in the accounts to show the full costs of a body's activities.

Notional Cost of Capital: the notional cost of borrowing, usually set at 3.5 per cent.