Financial Accounting Terms with "I"
Glossary of Financial Accounting - Glossario Contabilità Finanziaria
Glossary of Financial Accounting - Glossario Contabilità Finanziaria
IAS: International Accounting Standard, issued by the IASB's predecessor body.
IAS: International Accounting Standard, issued by the IASB's predecessor body.
IASB: International Accounting Standards Board, an independent body that sets accounting standards accepted as a basis for accounting in many countries, including all Member States of the European Union.
IASB: International Accounting Standards Board, an independent body that sets accounting standards accepted as a basis for accounting in many countries, including all Member States of the European Union.
IASB System: the accounting standards and guidance issued by the IASB.
IASB System: the accounting standards and guidance issued by the IASB.
IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard, issued by the IASB.
IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard, issued by the IASB.
Impairment: a reduction in the carrying value of an asset, beyond the expected depreciation, which must be reflected by reducing the amount recorded in the balance sheet.
Impairment: a reduction in the carrying value of an asset, beyond the expected depreciation, which must be reflected by reducing the amount recorded in the balance sheet.
Impairment Review: testing assets for evidence of any impairment.
Impairment Review: testing assets for evidence of any impairment.
Impairment Test: test that the business can expect to recover the carrying value of the intangible asset, through either using it or selling.
Impairment Test: test that the business can expect to recover the carrying value of the intangible asset, through either using it or selling.
Improvement: a change in, or addition to, a non-current (fixed) asset that extends its useful life or increases the expected future benefit. Contrast with repair which restores the existing useful life or existing expected future benefit.
Improvement: a change in, or addition to, a non-current (fixed) asset that extends its useful life or increases the expected future benefit. Contrast with repair which restores the existing useful life or existing expected future benefit.
Income Statement: financial statement presenting revenues, expenses, and profit. Also called profit and loss account.
Income Statement: financial statement presenting revenues, expenses, and profit. Also called profit and loss account.
Incorporation, Date of: the date on which a company comes into existence.
Incorporation, Date of: the date on which a company comes into existence.
Indirect Method (of Operating Cash Flow): calculates operating cash flow by adjusting operating profit for non-cash items and for changes in working capital.
Indirect Method (of Operating Cash Flow): calculates operating cash flow by adjusting operating profit for non-cash items and for changes in working capital.
Insider Information: information gained by someone inside, or close to, a listed company which could confer a financial advantage if used to buy or sell shares. It is illegal for a person who is in possession of inside information to buy or sell shares on the basis of that information.
Insider Information: information gained by someone inside, or close to, a listed company which could confer a financial advantage if used to buy or sell shares. It is illegal for a person who is in possession of inside information to buy or sell shares on the basis of that information.
Institutional Investor: an organisation whose business includes regular investment in shares of companies, examples being an insurance company, a pension fund, a charity, an investment trust, a unit trust, a merchant bank.
Institutional Investor: an organisation whose business includes regular investment in shares of companies, examples being an insurance company, a pension fund, a charity, an investment trust, a unit trust, a merchant bank.
Intangible: without shape or form, cannot be touched.
Intangible: without shape or form, cannot be touched.
Interest (on Loans): the percentage return on capital required by the lender (usually expressed as a percentage per annum).
Interest (on Loans): the percentage return on capital required by the lender (usually expressed as a percentage per annum).
Interim Reports: financial statements issued in the period between annual reports, usually half-yearly or quarterly.
Interim Reports: financial statements issued in the period between annual reports, usually half-yearly or quarterly.
Internal Reporting: reporting financial information to those users inside a business, at various levels of management, at a level of detail appropriate to the recipient.
Internal Reporting: reporting financial information to those users inside a business, at various levels of management, at a level of detail appropriate to the recipient.
Inventory: stocks of goods held for manufacture or for resale.
Inventory: stocks of goods held for manufacture or for resale.
Investing Activities: the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.
Investing Activities: the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.
Investors: persons or organisations which have provided money to a business in exchange for a share of ownership.
Investors: persons or organisations which have provided money to a business in exchange for a share of ownership.