Law Court Terms with "H"
Glossary of Law Court - Glossario Tribunale
Glossary of Law Court - Glossario Tribunale
Hearing: proceedings held before a court.
Hearing: proceedings held before a court.
High Court: a civil court consisting of three divisions: the Queen's Bench, which deals with civil disputes including breach of contract, personal injuries, commercial and building cases, libel or slander; Family, which is concerned with matrimonial matters and proceedings relating to children or adults who cannot make decisions for themselves; and Chancery, which deals with property matters including fraud and bankruptcy.
High Court: a civil court consisting of three divisions: the Queen's Bench, which deals with civil disputes including breach of contract, personal injuries, commercial and building cases, libel or slander; Family, which is concerned with matrimonial matters and proceedings relating to children or adults who cannot make decisions for themselves; and Chancery, which deals with property matters including fraud and bankruptcy.
High Court - Chancery Division (HC CD): the Chancery Division of the High Court is presided over by The Chancellor and around 20 High Court judges. There is some overlap with the Queen's Bench Division, however certain matters are specifically assigned to the Chancery Division. The principal business of judges who sit in the Chancery Division is corporate and personal insolvency disputes, business, trade and industry disputes, the enforcement of mortgages, intellectual property matters, copyright and patents, disputes relating to trust property and contentious probate actions.
High Court - Chancery Division (HC CD): the Chancery Division of the High Court is presided over by The Chancellor and around 20 High Court judges. There is some overlap with the Queen's Bench Division, however certain matters are specifically assigned to the Chancery Division. The principal business of judges who sit in the Chancery Division is corporate and personal insolvency disputes, business, trade and industry disputes, the enforcement of mortgages, intellectual property matters, copyright and patents, disputes relating to trust property and contentious probate actions.
High Court - Family Division (HC FD): judges who sit in the Family Division of the High Court have jurisdiction to hear the most complex cases relating to children, and exercises an exclusive jurisdiction in wardship. Judges in the High Court also hear appeals from family proceedings courts and cases transferred from the county courts or family proceedings courts.
High Court - Family Division (HC FD): judges who sit in the Family Division of the High Court have jurisdiction to hear the most complex cases relating to children, and exercises an exclusive jurisdiction in wardship. Judges in the High Court also hear appeals from family proceedings courts and cases transferred from the county courts or family proceedings courts.
High Court - Queen's Bench Division (HC QBD): the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court has both a criminal and civil jurisdiction. Judges who sit in the civil jurisdiction deal with 'common law' business i.e. actions relating to contract except those specifically allocated to the Chancery Division, and civil wrongs (known as tort). They also hear more specialist matters, such as applications for judicial review. Judges hearing the criminal cases of the QBD also deal at first instance with the more serious criminal cases heard in the Crown Court and, relatively early in their careers can be appointed to hear serious criminal matters in Crown Court centres out of London (known as being "on circuit"). Examples of contract cases dealt with by Queen's Bench Division judges are failure to pay for goods and service and breach of contract.
High Court - Queen's Bench Division (HC QBD): the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court has both a criminal and civil jurisdiction. Judges who sit in the civil jurisdiction deal with 'common law' business i.e. actions relating to contract except those specifically allocated to the Chancery Division, and civil wrongs (known as tort). They also hear more specialist matters, such as applications for judicial review. Judges hearing the criminal cases of the QBD also deal at first instance with the more serious criminal cases heard in the Crown Court and, relatively early in their careers can be appointed to hear serious criminal matters in Crown Court centres out of London (known as being "on circuit"). Examples of contract cases dealt with by Queen's Bench Division judges are failure to pay for goods and service and breach of contract.
High Court Judge: a judge who sits in the High Court of Justice.High Court of Northern Ireland (HC NI)The High Court of Northern Ireland is constituted and governed by Northern Ireland law. Like its England and Wales equivalent, the court is split into three: the Queen's Bench Division, the Family Division and the Chancery Division. The High Court is located in the Royal Courts of Justice, Belfast.Home OfficeThe government department responsible for internal affairs, including crime, in England and Wales.
High Court Judge: a judge who sits in the High Court of Justice.High Court of Northern Ireland (HC NI)The High Court of Northern Ireland is constituted and governed by Northern Ireland law. Like its England and Wales equivalent, the court is split into three: the Queen's Bench Division, the Family Division and the Chancery Division. The High Court is located in the Royal Courts of Justice, Belfast.Home OfficeThe government department responsible for internal affairs, including crime, in England and Wales.
House of Lords (HL): the House of Lords is the upper house, but the Second chamber, of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is also commonly referred to as "the Lords". Until October 2009, the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (‘the Law Lords’) heard appeals and judgments as the highest appeal court in the UK. This jurisdiction has now passed to the UK’s Supreme Court.
House of Lords (HL): the House of Lords is the upper house, but the Second chamber, of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is also commonly referred to as "the Lords". Until October 2009, the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (‘the Law Lords’) heard appeals and judgments as the highest appeal court in the UK. This jurisdiction has now passed to the UK’s Supreme Court.