Legal Latin Terms with "A"
Glossary of Legal Latin - Glossario Legali Latini
Glossary of Legal Latin - Glossario Legali Latini
ACTUS REUS (GUILTY ACT): the offence of which the defendant is accused.
ACTUS REUS (GUILTY ACT): the offence of which the defendant is accused.
AD COLLIGENDA BONA (TO COLLECT THE GOODS): a temporary order for the Administration of an estate of a deceased person used when the estate is of a perishable nature.
AD COLLIGENDA BONA (TO COLLECT THE GOODS): a temporary order for the Administration of an estate of a deceased person used when the estate is of a perishable nature.
AD HOC (FOR THIS PURPOSE): Ad Hoc decisions are made as and when a situation demands:
AD HOC (FOR THIS PURPOSE): Ad Hoc decisions are made as and when a situation demands:
- Ad Hoc committees are formed to address a particular issue;
- Ad Hoc meetings would take place to discuss specific matters.
AD INFITUM (WITHOUT LIMIT): describes an event apparently continuing without end.
AD INFITUM (WITHOUT LIMIT): describes an event apparently continuing without end.
AD LITEM (FOR THE SUIT): denotes a temporary appointment which continues during legal proceedings ie Guardian Ad Litem.
AD LITEM (FOR THE SUIT): denotes a temporary appointment which continues during legal proceedings ie Guardian Ad Litem.
AMICUS CURIAE (A FRIEND OF THE COURT): a neutral party who does not represent any individual party in the case who will be asked by the Court to make representations from an independent viewpoint.
AMICUS CURIAE (A FRIEND OF THE COURT): a neutral party who does not represent any individual party in the case who will be asked by the Court to make representations from an independent viewpoint.
ANTE (BEFORE): an indication within text to refer to an earlier passage.
ANTE (BEFORE): an indication within text to refer to an earlier passage.