Taxes UK Terms with "T"
Glossary of Taxes UK - Glossario Tasse Imposte Fiscali UK
Glossary of Taxes UK - Glossario Tasse Imposte Fiscali UK
TASSA (FEE): the compensation a private citizen owes a public entity for the supply of a right or service (for example school fees). There are three main categories: administrative fees, paid in order to obtain permits, certificates or the release of documents; industrial fees, paid to run a business for reasons of social interest; legal fees, paid by private citizens both for civil cases and for voluntary jurisdiction decisions. A fee is different from a tax, which represents a deduction with no compensation, aimed at financing public needs of a general nature.
TASSA (FEE): the compensation a private citizen owes a public entity for the supply of a right or service (for example school fees). There are three main categories: administrative fees, paid in order to obtain permits, certificates or the release of documents; industrial fees, paid to run a business for reasons of social interest; legal fees, paid by private citizens both for civil cases and for voluntary jurisdiction decisions. A fee is different from a tax, which represents a deduction with no compensation, aimed at financing public needs of a general nature.
TASSA SULLE CONCESSIONI GOVERNATIVE (LICENCE TAXES): these affect administrative measures taken by state or regional offices. The term “licence” is to be intended broadly speaking because the tax actually concerns a wide range of administrative acts determining an advantageous position for the taxpayer. They can be paid into a post office account in the name of the competent Revenue Agency office, or by using revenue stamps.
TASSA SULLE CONCESSIONI GOVERNATIVE (LICENCE TAXES): these affect administrative measures taken by state or regional offices. The term “licence” is to be intended broadly speaking because the tax actually concerns a wide range of administrative acts determining an advantageous position for the taxpayer. They can be paid into a post office account in the name of the competent Revenue Agency office, or by using revenue stamps.
TASSA SULLE RADIODIFFUSIONI (TELEVISION FEE): annual fee due for the simple possession of a television set, which must be paid to the radio and television authority. Payment is made at tobacconists which are lottery offices affiliated to PuntoLis, or at post offices, by means of special current account forms in the name of RAI RadiotelevisioneItaliana (Italian Broadcasting Company). Payment can also be made on the phone or the Internet with a credit card.
TASSA SULLE RADIODIFFUSIONI (TELEVISION FEE): annual fee due for the simple possession of a television set, which must be paid to the radio and television authority. Payment is made at tobacconists which are lottery offices affiliated to PuntoLis, or at post offices, by means of special current account forms in the name of RAI RadiotelevisioneItaliana (Italian Broadcasting Company). Payment can also be made on the phone or the Internet with a credit card.
TASSAZIONE DEI REDDITI FINANZIARI (TAXATION OF FINANCIAL INCOMES): taxation imposed by means of a substitute tax with a proportional rate (therefore avoiding the application of the progressive rates provided by income tax).
TASSAZIONE DEI REDDITI FINANZIARI (TAXATION OF FINANCIAL INCOMES): taxation imposed by means of a substitute tax with a proportional rate (therefore avoiding the application of the progressive rates provided by income tax).
TASSAZIONE SEPARATA (SEPARATE TAXATION): a type of taxation applicable to certain incomes, usually developing over the course of several years. Instead of being subject to normal Irpef rates, incomes under such a regime (for example, sums acquired in cases of withdrawal, exclusion or winding-up of a business, severance pay or for the end of agency contracts, etc.) are subject to an average rate, generally determined on the basis of the incomes earned in the two years preceding the year in which the right to receive these incomes has arisen, or preceding the year in which they have been received.
TASSAZIONE SEPARATA (SEPARATE TAXATION): a type of taxation applicable to certain incomes, usually developing over the course of several years. Instead of being subject to normal Irpef rates, incomes under such a regime (for example, sums acquired in cases of withdrawal, exclusion or winding-up of a business, severance pay or for the end of agency contracts, etc.) are subject to an average rate, generally determined on the basis of the incomes earned in the two years preceding the year in which the right to receive these incomes has arisen, or preceding the year in which they have been received.
TASSE AUTOMOBILISTICHE (ROAD TAX): Road Tax is paid for the possession of vehicles registered in the public car registers, according to the effective power of the vehicle, expressed in kilowatt, as indicated in the car registration documents. The power is multiplied by a coefficient, normally set at 2.58 euro, which can be increased by each regional authority. For certain vehicles the amount varies according to their load. Car taxes must be paid during the month following the expiry date, at post offices, authorized tobacconists, Aci (Italian Automobile Club) offices.
TASSE AUTOMOBILISTICHE (ROAD TAX): Road Tax is paid for the possession of vehicles registered in the public car registers, according to the effective power of the vehicle, expressed in kilowatt, as indicated in the car registration documents. The power is multiplied by a coefficient, normally set at 2.58 euro, which can be increased by each regional authority. For certain vehicles the amount varies according to their load. Car taxes must be paid during the month following the expiry date, at post offices, authorized tobacconists, Aci (Italian Automobile Club) offices.
TASSO LEGALE (LEGAL RATE): it is the interest rate to apply in most juridical interactions (deposits on rents, tax rebates, payment of taxes following voluntary correction of tax return, disputes in civil and commercial matters).
TASSO LEGALE (LEGAL RATE): it is the interest rate to apply in most juridical interactions (deposits on rents, tax rebates, payment of taxes following voluntary correction of tax return, disputes in civil and commercial matters).
TAX COMPLIANCE: the level of spontaneous fulfilment of tax obligations by taxpayers, which the Administration obtains by wisely using two forces: on the one hand the service, assistance and information provided to the individual, on the other hand the fight against tax evasion.
TAX COMPLIANCE: the level of spontaneous fulfilment of tax obligations by taxpayers, which the Administration obtains by wisely using two forces: on the one hand the service, assistance and information provided to the individual, on the other hand the fight against tax evasion.
TERMINE DI ACCERTAMENTO DELLE IMPOSTE (DEADLINE FOR TAX VERIFICATION): the date by which the office must register the verification notice, under penalty of forfeiture. Such a D. is set for 31st December of the fourth year following the year when the tax return was submitted. If the tax return has not been submitted or the it is not valid, the verificationcan be notified up to 31st December of the fifth year following the year in which the tax return should have been submitted.
TERMINE DI ACCERTAMENTO DELLE IMPOSTE (DEADLINE FOR TAX VERIFICATION): the date by which the office must register the verification notice, under penalty of forfeiture. Such a D. is set for 31st December of the fourth year following the year when the tax return was submitted. If the tax return has not been submitted or the it is not valid, the verificationcan be notified up to 31st December of the fifth year following the year in which the tax return should have been submitted.
TESSERA SANITARIA (NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM CARD): the National Health System Card is a personal card that will gradually replace the personal tax code card for all citizens with the right to use the National Health System services and who have a personal tax code. As well as personal and social security data, the card will carry the personal tax code both on a magnetic strip and in a bar code. The card is valid throughout Italy and allows the bearer to use health services in all the countries of the European Union, substituting the E111 form. The card is valid for 5 years, unless otherwise indicated by the Regional/Local Health Authority. Upon expiry, the Revenue Agency automatically sends a new card to all subjects for whom the right to assistance has not expired. In case of any mistake in the personal data on the card, or in case the card is lost or stolen, the citizen can go to any office of the Revenue Agency and request its amendment or a copy.
TESSERA SANITARIA (NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM CARD): the National Health System Card is a personal card that will gradually replace the personal tax code card for all citizens with the right to use the National Health System services and who have a personal tax code. As well as personal and social security data, the card will carry the personal tax code both on a magnetic strip and in a bar code. The card is valid throughout Italy and allows the bearer to use health services in all the countries of the European Union, substituting the E111 form. The card is valid for 5 years, unless otherwise indicated by the Regional/Local Health Authority. Upon expiry, the Revenue Agency automatically sends a new card to all subjects for whom the right to assistance has not expired. In case of any mistake in the personal data on the card, or in case the card is lost or stolen, the citizen can go to any office of the Revenue Agency and request its amendment or a copy.
TRANSFER PRICING: in the common economic meaning, it is the control of the compensations applied to commercial and/or financial operations between connected and/or controlled companies resident in different nations, in order to verify that there are no “artificial” adjustments in prices.
TRANSFER PRICING: in the common economic meaning, it is the control of the compensations applied to commercial and/or financial operations between connected and/or controlled companies resident in different nations, in order to verify that there are no “artificial” adjustments in prices.
TRASCRIZIONE (RECORD): recording in real estate registers – by the regional offices – of transfers, purchases and modifications of property rights related to real estate and registered properties.
TRASCRIZIONE (RECORD): recording in real estate registers – by the regional offices – of transfers, purchases and modifications of property rights related to real estate and registered properties.
TRASLAZIONE DELL’IMPOSTA (SHIFTING OF TAXATION): economic process through which the taxed subject (he/she who has to pay the tax) transfers the effective weight of the tax payment onto other subjects; these become, therefore, de facto taxpayers.
TRASLAZIONE DELL’IMPOSTA (SHIFTING OF TAXATION): economic process through which the taxed subject (he/she who has to pay the tax) transfers the effective weight of the tax payment onto other subjects; these become, therefore, de facto taxpayers.
TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI (DATA TREATMENT): in Italy, law n. 675/96 (on the protection of personal data) regulates the protection of people and other subjects with respect to how personal information is treated. Treatment is the operation, or operations, carried out with or without the use of electronic means by using personal information.
TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI (DATA TREATMENT): in Italy, law n. 675/96 (on the protection of personal data) regulates the protection of people and other subjects with respect to how personal information is treated. Treatment is the operation, or operations, carried out with or without the use of electronic means by using personal information.
TRIBUTI LOCALI (LOCAL TAXES): group of tax revenues of territorial public bodies (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities). According to the current regime:
TRIBUTI LOCALI (LOCAL TAXES): group of tax revenues of territorial public bodies (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities). According to the current regime:
- Regions are entitled to the Irap revenue as well as an Irpef supplement;
- Provinces are largely entitled to road taxes (provincial record tax, revenuefrom the tax raised by car insurance –RCA–);
- Municipalities are mainly entitled to the tax on real estate (Imu) and by the Irpef supplement.
TRIBUTO (LEVY): generally indicates an amount of money collected obligatorily (taxes, fees, TV fee, etc).
TRIBUTO (LEVY): generally indicates an amount of money collected obligatorily (taxes, fees, TV fee, etc).
TESTO UNICO DELLE IMPOSTE SUI REDDITI (ITALIAN TAX CONSOLIDATED TEXT): it is the basic text containing the norms to determine and to tax incomes. It is also available on the Internet, at
TESTO UNICO DELLE IMPOSTE SUI REDDITI (ITALIAN TAX CONSOLIDATED TEXT): it is the basic text containing the norms to determine and to tax incomes. It is also available on the Internet, at
TUTORAGGIO (TUTORING): a form of assistance concerning all issues related to taxes, given, upon request, by a local office of the Revenue Agency to taxpayers. The service is free of charge and is supplied through the Internet and e-mails. For these purposes, a revenue officer (called “tutor”) is appointed within the office to deal with the specific assistance, following the case of the “tutored” taxpayer on the basis of the data periodically transmitted via the Internet. In particular, the tutor monitors the timing of the submissions, making sure the deadlines established by the simplified tax regime are respected, and assists the taxpayer in the following actions:
TUTORAGGIO (TUTORING): a form of assistance concerning all issues related to taxes, given, upon request, by a local office of the Revenue Agency to taxpayers. The service is free of charge and is supplied through the Internet and e-mails. For these purposes, a revenue officer (called “tutor”) is appointed within the office to deal with the specific assistance, following the case of the “tutored” taxpayer on the basis of the data periodically transmitted via the Internet. In particular, the tutor monitors the timing of the submissions, making sure the deadlines established by the simplified tax regime are respected, and assists the taxpayer in the following actions:
- preparation of the F24 models for the payment of due taxes;
- processing of accounting data submitted by the taxpayer;
- payment of taxes;
- preparation of the Vat refund form, if due;
- preparation of the tables of the consolidated tax return relating to the taxpayer’s activity.
Subjects wishing to use the Internet assistance procedure must, first of all, request a pin code (if they do not yet have one), by filling in the form provided online at
Subjects wishing to use the Internet assistance procedure must, first of all, request a pin code (if they do not yet have one), by filling in the form provided online at