Companies House UK Terms with "P"
Glossary of Companies House - Glossario del Registro Imprese UK
Glossary of Companies House - Glossario del Registro Imprese UK
Password: also known as "Security Code" is an 8-32 character alphanumeric code that enables the submission of company information on WebFiling. The Password is created by the presenter and is linked to their email address. To use WebFiling a password and an Authentication Code are required.
Password: also known as "Security Code" is an 8-32 character alphanumeric code that enables the submission of company information on WebFiling. The Password is created by the presenter and is linked to their email address. To use WebFiling a password and an Authentication Code are required.
Prescribed Particulars: prescribed particulars are required as part of the statement of capital.
Prescribed Particulars: prescribed particulars are required as part of the statement of capital.
Position of Person Authorising the Submission: the position held by the person authorising the company information being submitted (e.g. director).
Position of Person Authorising the Submission: the position held by the person authorising the company information being submitted (e.g. director).
Preference Shares: preference Shares normally carry a right that any annual dividends available for distribution be paid preferentially on these shares before other classes.
Preference Shares: preference Shares normally carry a right that any annual dividends available for distribution be paid preferentially on these shares before other classes.
Presenter: the presenter is the person who submits documents to Companies House on behalf of the company.
Presenter: the presenter is the person who submits documents to Companies House on behalf of the company.
Principal Business Activities: the Principal Business activities of a company are shown by the SIC Code. The company can have up to a maximum of four codes / activities displayed on the Confirmation Statement.
Principal Business Activities: the Principal Business activities of a company are shown by the SIC Code. The company can have up to a maximum of four codes / activities displayed on the Confirmation Statement.
PROOF - PROOF (PROtected Online Filing): is a Companies House scheme to help companies protect themselves from fraudulent filings by only accepting electronic versions of certain Forms. Paper versions of these forms will be rejected.
PROOF - PROOF (PROtected Online Filing): is a Companies House scheme to help companies protect themselves from fraudulent filings by only accepting electronic versions of certain Forms. Paper versions of these forms will be rejected.